Assalammualaikum and Hello everyone !
Baru-baru ni pika dengan kawan-kawan (Geng #HoHo) pergi for weekend getaway ke Penang.. Jalan-jalan on weekend gitu untuk spend quality time together.. the trip was FUN! Since kami pergi ber-enam so awal tu kami plan nak naik 2 kereta berasingan la kan but then... kami discover about HERTZ MALAYSIA which is renowned as the world’s leading car rental company.

We're soo excited sebab now kami boleh bergerak in group which is much easier! Since kami ber-enam and they recommend us to get Hyundai Starex 2.5d Auto which is one of the best-selling rental car if you're moving in a group. Hyndai Starex can fit up to 8 pax which is comfortable enough untuk perjalanan jauh. Bila perjalanan jauh ni keselesaan semasa dalam perjalanan adalah paling utama sebab nak jalan jauh kan. Selain itu keadaan kereta yang well-servied dan bersih juga merupakan faktor supaya perjalanan lebih lancar.
Hertz Malaysia at Skypark Subang
Hertz Malaysia ini ada banyak lokasi di seluruh Malaysia especially in every major city and airport nationwide. Over 17 outlets located in Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), KLIA2, Skypark Subang, Johor Bahru, Senai Airport, Kuantan Airport, Kota Bharu Airport, Penang, Penang International Airport, Alor Setar Airport, Lumut, Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Labuan Airport, Sandakan Airport, Kuching Airport and Miri Airport and more.
Outlet yang terdekat dengan my house is Hertz Skypart Subang jadi mereka arrange kan our rental car dekat situ. So nanti kalau korang nak book rental car korang boleh tengok outlet Hertz yang terdekat dengan korang. Berdasarkan pengalaman pika, for me I think the process nak sewa kereta tu agak mudah and person in charge pun ramah, so kalau ada sebarang soalan boleh refer dengan dorang. They will reply pretty fast jugak la.
Hertz ni dah lama ada dekat Malaysia and they has been active in offering exceptional quality car rental services with short-term and long-term rental options as well as chauffeur and transfer services. Macam-macam service untuk kereta dorang ada. Jadi for more info korang boleh visit website dia
Macam I cakap ealier, the process memang mudah dan cepat. I pun awal-awal tu risau kot-kot la nak kena prepare document itu ini ka.. Not really, dorang just nak copy of you I/C or passport dan driving license sahaja..
Dekat Hertz Malaysia ni korang boleh pilih perbagai jenis kereta ikut la atas occasion korang kan.. From a functional sedan, a spacious multipurpose or a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Dorang ada range of luxury models untuk mereka yang nak pamper diri sendiri with a little luxury vibes.. Hehehe.. Hertz offers a comprehensive range of mobility services from self- drive rentals to chauffeur-driven services of various quality makes and models, meeting your every need. Keselamatan Anda adalah keutamaan untuk Hertz Melaysia. Jadi mereka akan make sure all of their vehicles are well maintained and best quality.
Since I'm the one yang handling the renting process so I happen to be the first person to drive the car. Hahaha.. Awal-awal tu dah rasa macam bawak mini bus ye guys.. Hahahaa... The car is spacious and kinda huge for a person who usually drive compact car. Hahhaaa..
Thank you for the wonderful service !
untuk penumpang
untuk pemandu dan co-pilot
Tempat untuk pemandu pun luas dan selesa
" At Hertz Malaysia, customer satisfaction is our priority. We remain dedicated to make our car rental services efficient and accessible to each and every traveler, whether it is for business or leisure. With outlets located throughout Malaysia, you are always assured of an affordable, reliable and pleasant car rental experience with Hertz Malaysia." - Hertz Malaysia
untuk letak barang di bahagian belakang pun luas
Overall, kereta Hyundai Starex 2.5d (auto) yang kami drive hari tu memang selesa dan luas. Kami siap menarik joget-joget ye dalam kereta tu. Nak tido pun selesa.. Thank goodness kami jumpa Hertz Malaysia ni. Memudahkan dan Melancarkan perjalanan kami ke Penang baru-baru ni. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED !!. Untuk kereta Hyundai Starex 2.5d yang kami drive hari tu ianya jenis auto so mudah la untuk driver nak drive especially for long-journey. Minyak dia jenis diesel so agak jimat la disitu. Roughly cost mintak kami pergi-balik Penang dan jalan-jalan disekitar Penang for 3D-2N tu around RM180 ++ .. Not bad la kan.
Harga Rent untuk Hyundai Starex 2.5d ni RM420/daily and kadang-kadang mereka ada buat promotion taw. so kalau nak tahu harga promotion korang better contact Hertz Malaysia directly. Sebab waktu kami ambil kereta ni harga promotion dorang jadi RM380/daily. So for more update boleh directly contact mereka
Contact: 03-79667000
Business Hours:-
Mon-Fri: 8.30am - 5.30pm
Sat, Sun, Public Holiday: Closed
We're ready for the roadtrip ~
More story about our weekend roadtrip to Penang and activity yang kami lakukan pada hari tu I will update on another entry. Korang kena stay-tuned taw sebab walaupun kami hanya 3D-2N dekat Penang but we manage to cover beberapa tempat menarik dekat Penang
Till then, xoxo
Thank you for reading this ^_^
selesa sangat dengan Hertz Malaysia ni! mudah nak bergerak untuk road trip!
ReplyDeleteMemang luas giler and sgt sgt sgt selesa kereta yg dorg provide ni. Rental price pun affordable and reasonable ye!