Tuesday, January 09, 2018

WIW: Grey'ish vibes

Assalammualaikum and Hello everyone !

" Just Because My Path is Different, Doesn't Mean I'm Lost "

What I Wear:-
Scarf: Vincci
Blouse: Hijriahome
Pants: Candy Pants
Handbag: Zalora (borrowed from a friend. Hehee)
Toe: Vincci

I look tall in this photo. Hurayyy~ 
Obviously the pants and blouse does the works to make me taller than I am right now. I'm wearing a comfortable blouse from Hijriahome and Pants from Candy Pants. When I find that this boot-cut pants available for plussize, I'm sooo happy because I find that boot-cut pants make me look taller especially when I'm wearing a heel/wedges shoes. Just in case you ask about my handbag, I borrowed it from my friend because I din't bring handbag that time. Hahahaaa. 

Till then, xoxo

Thank you for reading this ^_^


  1. Cantik pika!<3 btw dari haritu nak tanya you pakai camera ape
