Tuesday, December 20, 2016

More fun with The New Digi Postpaid™

Assalammualaikum and Hello everyone !

I've been using Digi as my plan for almost 2 years now and I'm satisfied with the performance so far. And recently I heard that Digi came out with a The New Digi Postpaid plan! The latest plan they had surely "berbaloi-baloi". They promise more Internet quota as well as the ability to rollover unused quota to enjoy in the following month. Ohhh man!! Best gilerrr~ Everyone now use internet almost for everything in their daily life. The first moment you open your eyes, you'll reach your hand phone scroll your Facebook, Instagram and more~ *we need internet to do that!

Now I can access to any apps that I want at anytime and anywhere with no worries.

This is because The New Digi Postpaid™  plan come out with superb-awesome-deals for everyone. 

What's so special about The New Digi Postpaid??
> Total Internet Quota: 25GB All Day
> UNLIMITED 4G Weekend
> Unlimited Calls: To all networks
> Internet Rollover: 3GB
> FREE roaming in 5 countries(5GB + 60 mins) in Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brunei.
> New Postpaid Plan RM110/month
Free Apps: Capture – 100GB iflix – 60 days

On weekend, you can enjoy FREE UNLIMITED 4G ! Woahhh. Normally on weekend you'll play with your smart phone more often right. This is a great deal for you where you can enhances your weekend with watching your favorite movie online. And scroll and update your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more on time with no limited.

When travelling, especially if you go to Singapore, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Brunei you'll enjoy yourself a FREE roaming with 5GB internet + 60mins call.  keep connecting with people even when you are travelling abroad! You know how internet important during travelling right. It connects you to any apps and helps you in many ways. With The New Digi Postpaid™ plan you can save more!

I want to keep and share every moment!

The New Digi Postpaid™ comes with more value to everyone who are showing a strong, growing appetite for internet access and digital services to match their social lifestyle (like me!).

For more info visit http://new.digi.com.my/postpaid-plans

Till then, xoxo

Thank you for reading this ^_^


  1. Woiii.....package ape tu.... Nk jugkkkkk

  2. kita pakai digi lepastu swicth to umobile. ok skrg rasa nk pakai digi balik haha

    1. Ohh.. rmai gak macam tu.. tp pika stick lagi dengan digi so far.

  3. ehh sy mmg pengguna DIGI pon! hahahha tp asek xckup data je skg ni mmg kna upgrade ni!

    1. Yeayyy! Go and Upgrade your plan now.. CHia CHia CHiaaa

  4. Sgt berbaloi..lepas ni bole la main internet tanpa henti,huhuhuh

  5. Sgt berbaloi..lepas ni bole la layan internet tanpa henti,huhuhuhu
